The Clu is finally OVER!
If you ever wanted to know what the "Clu" is, don't ask. It might just head your way. It sure came my way and hit me from Christmas to New Years. Lucky me!
It is a new virus going around that gives you the cold and the flu at the same time. It makes some people bed-n-bath ridden for weeks. I did survive it, I'm not a baby when it comes to being sick, but I don't wish this bug upon anyone.
Hope you all are staying well.
Other than sickness, I was able to enjoy some fun stuff for New Year's Eve, "First Night!" Me and the fam were able to stay in downtown Boston, visit some of the ice sculptures, stand in long lines, and watch the Grand Percession march down one of Boston's major streets. About an hours worth of parade! It was lightly snowing and sooo much fun, for a sick person. I am even including a couple of pics from the parade.
I just so glad not to be sick anymore.
Glad to see you are better and back. You got some nice difficult shots there. Hope the new year is good to you.
Hey daddyjb, so far this New Year is doing OK. I am definately looking forward to good days to come.
The key with me and picture taking is, if I take 100 pics maybe 5-10 will come out OK.
LOL, I especially like the one with the ice sculpture and the lights in it or reflecting through it. Of course that makes it Fractalishious.
BTW, check OliviahUnleashed, for other free Fractal programs. You will need to download WinZip or other zip type program to get them. I don't know if you have one or not. If you don't have one, you can download a trial version of WinZip for free.
thanks daddyjb,
On the new Apophysis 2.03, when ever I try to export any new flames to my desktop, after opening them up they are different. The flame is the same but it's design is altered.
What's up with that. I can't show any of my new flames. :(
Maybe you can help.
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