At World's End
After watching this movie, I have to say that I am not satisfied with the ending and I demand the next film to be made as soon as possible so as to see what happens next. I felt that this film was a very cutthroat yet amuzing protrayal of the good against the bad. Although most everyone kept changing which side they wanted to be on. It was long, and very entertaining. I could of watched more surprisingly. There were so many main characters with each having a whole story of their own. The directors could have taken this film into any direction. Jack was Jack as usual, which I liked. The monkey was very entertaining. I have to give this film a big thumbs up!

I was wondering if you were going to get on any time soon!I need a picture of you and Gary! Please!! Okay so I like the movie as well and the ending was stupid! What is going to happen when she is 90 and he hasn't aged because he is immortal? I guess his generations can visit him forever! I to thought they left it open for another one but my father in law said that the direct has said they are through with this movie! SO now the questions are this...will there be another direct and a fourth movie? Will the same actors be on board for another? I would lovew to see Jack's father developed a bit more. I loved him!
I think that Will's father should stab Will's heart and then take Will's place as the new captain of the Flying Dutchman. Will will die and go somewhere, then he can be brought back, just like Jack was brought back from Davie Jones' locker. Elizabeth and Will can finally get together and have baby pirates.
Did you not stay and watch the credits? At the very end you see Will coming in for his first ten year visit. There to meet him is Elizabeth and a son! They have made baby pirates...he just can only see them every ten freaking years! STUPID!! Not impressed with the ending! I am still waiting on my pciture of you and Gary!
I wasn't going to go and see this movie because I heard the ending was so bad but I think that I will since you liked it so much (except for the ending)...and I'll be sure to stay past the credits. We did that for Shrek 3 and waiting for nothing :( Have fun on your road trip Melissa! It sounds like an adventure.
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