We are well on our way!
We just left the state of Massachusetts. We saw the first sign welcoming us into the state of NEW YORK.
I am blogging all of this on my nifty laptop, which is safely nestled on top of a Gary-made laptop holder. So cool.
In about 2 more hours, we should reach Amsterdam, NY for dinner. I have our whole trip mapped out to the hour practically.
We have it worked out to drive all day and night today, to arrive in Chicago for breakfast. Sounds great huh!
Miss all of our MASS friends all ready.
Some of the natives that live with us.
Thanks to Cody & Meredith, I am now able to use a newer and cooler way to post pics! I love it!
We are getting ready for our Big Trip!
Only a few more weeks left and we are off on a road trip across the country to Seattle, WA. Our first stop is Chicago. We first have to find someone to animal-sit for us while we are away. A return-missionary heard we were traveling west and wants us to stop in El Paso, Texas. Hmmm, we'll have to seriously think about that one.
At World's End
After watching this movie, I have to say that I am not satisfied with the ending and I demand the next film to be made as soon as possible so as to see what happens next. I felt that this film was a very cutthroat yet amuzing protrayal of the good against the bad. Although most everyone kept changing which side they wanted to be on. It was long, and very entertaining. I could of watched more surprisingly. There were so many main characters with each having a whole story of their own. The directors could have taken this film into any direction. Jack was Jack as usual, which I liked. The monkey was very entertaining. I have to give this film a big thumbs up!
Picture for Tammy
Lovely Samantha, Handsome Paul, and Cute Jonathan!
Getting Ready
Today is the first day for the next 46 days.My family and I are leaving on July 1st to travel across the country. Just me, my husband, and my 3 kids, in a car for a week. Seriously, my husband doesn't fly. He happens to have other super powers, but flying isn't one of them.My sister is getting married in July, in Seattle. So, my family and I are going to drive from Boston, MA a.l.l.l.l.l.l.l. the way to Seattle. Because this drive is long, we have decided to turn it into a vacation on the road.Our departure starts in the evening some time the beginning of July (exact date is still unknown). We should arrive for breakfast in Cleveland, Ohio. Next, we will stay the night in Chicago, Il.From Chicago, we will find our way (details can be boring) to St. George, Ut. It has been 11 years since our last visit to southern Utah, and I have heard it has grown. We hope to stay a couple of days, then move on to Las Vegas.From Las Vegas, we will trek our way west to the Californian coast, then on upward to Washington State.On our way back, I am sure we will take a more direct route home across the northern states. I would really like to visit Salt Lake City, Utah on our way back.My goal is to post our progress as we travel. It would be fun to share anything interesting that may happen while on the road. Hopefully we won't lose any kids and our tires will stay on. :)I have got a gazillion things to do before we are ready. Happy Mother's Day!
Often we have the missionaries from our church (Mormon) over for food and visiting. But once in a while, they will decide to just stop by. It just so happened that this particular day, 8 of them decided to stop by on the same day.

Thankfully, we had plenty of food.