Friday, December 16, 2005

Merry Christmas!


Wow, it has been around 2 weeks since my last post.

I had a wonderful time visiting my family out in Washington State. And, thank you to all who helped with present ideas. With time running out, I needed a lot of help. My husband came to the rescue and bought the presents for me. He picked a nice bottle of red wine, and a nice hooded "Boston" sweatshirt. My sister absolutely LOVED them! He also picked up some other fun "Boston" shirts and sweaters for some of my other family members too. Isn't he great!

The graduation was very nice, and visiting with my family was even nicer. I get to go out there to visit about once every year. This summer, after I graduate school, my husband and I will drive with the kids....yes drive....out to the West Coast for a visit. My kids have sooo many cousins out there that they don't ever get to see very often. :(
But, there are also positives of living so far away from family too. Hee-hee!

I hope I don't offend anyone from saying Merry Christmas, and "Bah humbug" to any of you who do. :)

I love Christmas time! It has to be one of my most favorite time of year, along with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, 4th of get the picture. :)

So CHEERS to all this Merry Season, and hope you have a wonderful New Year's!