Taurus skies
I am on my last home stretch for school. I have 3 months to go. (Woo-hoo!) In 3 months I am graduating from a 2 year Muscular Therapy Program. It has been sooo great. I have worked really hard and have accomplished so much. I feel like I can't wait to actually get out there in the world and start doing some official job work.
I have not been doing any blogging lately. I think that my mind has been a little pre-occupied. I have no intention on ending my blog, but I probably won't be posting too often for the next few months.
For the next few months, I shall be scurrying and scrambling to get all of my tasks and homework done. I will breathe deep again once it is finished.
I am a Taurus and very stubborn so who knows, maybe I will end up posting more just to spite the statement I just made about not posting.
Ultra Fractal with bull
Hearts to you.
Sorry that I have been gone for so long. I have been attending to a family emergency. It is such a sad time in life when a loved one leaves. I have been able to help out a lot where it was needed, and that was nice.
I havn't had a lot of inspiration lately. I am sure time will help. And, I want the damn warmth to come my way finally. It has been about 10-20 degrees cold here almost everyday in the Boston area. Brrrrrrr! Keeps me chilled to the bone.
Glad to see everyone is still up and running. Hope you all had a great Valentines Day. Mine was filled with a lot of love. It is a good thing that holiday was thrown into the mix of all the other ones. It helped me to remember to be cute and dress in the colors red and pink, love my family and friends, and eat lots of chocolate.
I watched some of the Olympics. The opening ceremony and the closing ceremony. Which was realy neat by the way.
I am posting an Ultra Fractal of obviously the American Flag colors in celebration of our country placing at the Olympics. With lots of red because of the past holiday.