Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Have you seen this yet?

Crazy Frog!
This is the coolest little frog I have seen on Flash! If you havn't seen him yet, you've got to. It is sooo funny!

Just go to the
"Crazy Frog Funny Flash"

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

My Santana Concert!

The most awesome concert! It was crazy trying to get there, lots of slow traffic. We even ran across some serious road rage, where the other driver even got out of his car to come over to my dirver's window to yell and swear at me. He was crazy and slightly intoxicated. Then, finally we are almost there and someone in the car announces that all too familiar, nails on the chalkboard sound, "I forgot to the tickets!"

Obviously I made it to the concert just in time to have missed the opening band. So sad! I really wanted to see Los Lonely Boys perform. But it was all so worth it in the end. Carlos ended up inviting Los Lonely Boys back on stage to play with him. It was such a cool night!

I love concerts!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

My first garden!

Here is my very first ever garden.

I dug up some grass out of my back yard, chopped up the soil with a rake, removed all of the big rocks, thru some fertilizing soil down, and then planted my vegetable and herb plants.

Starting in the back right corner we have green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, a couple of green peppers, then over to the front left we have sweet spanish onions, some more green peppers, then some basil, and in the far back left corner I planted a tiny oregano plant that a friend gave to me.

My husband was a sweety and built an old-fashioned looking fence around my garden to help keep the animals out. Plenty of animals live in my backyard....

birds, wild turkey, deer, raccoon, rabbits,
and hopefully the new fence will help keep from feeding the backyard neighbors and feed my family instead.
Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Today I have decided that I absolutely hate another mother from my child's school. Her son is in my son's class. Our son's have not gotten along sometimes. My son keeps trying to be nice to her son, (because he is the greatest boy). Well, on many occasions after school when all of the parents come to pick up their kids, we have walked by this mother and her son, and my son has tried to say "Hi" or even strike up a conversation with this other boy.
Both of them, (the evil mother and her son),just glanced over for a seconds then just walked away. Not just once has this happened, but a few times. She even glances a cold look to me once in a while. I swear something is wrong with this woman to be so stone hearted
stone-hearted woman!
to another little boy who is trying to be nice to her and her son.

So, I have decided that today I will give her one of my evil glances. And if she chooses to ignore my son again, I will give her another evil glance and say something clever and rude to her. (After I think of something clever and rude to say.)

"The only gracious way to accept an insult is to ignore it; if you can't ignore it, top it; if you can't top it, laugh at it; if you can't laugh at it, it's probably deserved." ~J. Russel Lynes

Any way, I'm off to do stuff around the house and think of something clever.